What a truly incredible few days. This weather has just been amazing and helped to make such special memories.
My best friend, Lou, flew down to Guernsey from Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon to finally meet Elijah and to join the yoga "class on the grass", which I was teaching in honour of her son Rudy, who was stillborn at full term 6 years ago now (as well as all the other angel babies especially those of friends known to me).
It is funny because I may not have seen Lou for 18 months now, but it is like I only saw her yesterday. She gave me this lovely bracelet, which came attached to a fabulous quote, which sums this kind of best friend relationship up perfectly - "good friends are like stars...you don't always see them, but you know they are always there". So true!
We just had such a wonderful weekend together, it was just so easy going, cups of tea in the garden to enjoy the sunshine on Saturday afternoon before a lovely crab salad for dinner - what a perfect way to spend the Solstice!. With the class on the grass on Sunday morning we were very aware that Saturday night was not going to be late and we kept to our word and were in bed at a reasonable hour, my gosh wasn't it light!
Sunday dawned as beautiful as Saturday ended, we have been blessed the last few years with fabulous sunny days for the "class on the grass". This year I was overwhelmed with the support, as an unbelievable 90 people attended of all ages and abilities (for some this was their first yoga class, what a way to start!), wow, how incredible to bring together so many people like this with the intention of raising money through their yoga practice and in the garden too. You can only imagine the energy - you really needed to be there to feel it. I am still buzzing now.
I just love teaching in that natural environment and with so many familiar faces, my friends really, and I also really love that we have a yoga community here on Guernsey and within Beinspired. Very humbled by the commitment. Thank you to all you special people who came along and shared your energy for such a good cause.
In the end we raised an incredible £1,010 for SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society) - Guernsey Branch. I am just delighted, it means so very much to me and to Lou and I am sure to the other lovely ladies who attended in honour of their own angel babies. There was no doubt that we had many angels fluttering around us as we practiced in the garden.
After class, we enjoyed a marvellous brunch, organised as amazingly as ever by my Mum and Dad. Mum and I had baked cakes on Saturday morning although her efforts were far greater than my own and she very kindly did all the shopping for me, it is no mean feat catering for this number of people for brunch, but something my Mum, in particular, enjoys doing. So a huge thank you to Mum and to Dad, and also to Maria for making some delicious cakes (recipes to follow) and to Karo for all her help in the kitchen, very kind, thank you.
Feeling a little warm after the morning's activities Lou, Ewan, Elijah and I enjoyed a swim in the outdoor pool at the Grande Mare, what a lovely place this is, before lunch in the garden with Ewan's mum. After washing all the yoga mats in the garden and hanging them on the washing line to dry, Lou and I headed down to Moulin Huet and enjoyed a swim in the sea at high tide - what a stunning beach at high tide, I don't know that I have ever in my whole life swam here at high tide, amazing.
It all caught up with me Sunday night so it was another relatively early night - how times change, years ago, pre-babies, Lou and I would have stayed up half the night chatting. Still we did chat most of the time we were awake and headed off to Herm today. Just glorious and what a treat to visit when it isn't full of a zillion other people.
We took Elijah with us and walked around to Shell beach for a cup of tea and another swim in the sea, divine. Life does change with a baby though, quick swims and constant concern about burning skin! Herm is lethal but I think we managed to avoid any sunburn. We had lunch at the Ship Inn sitting in the shade, before an obligatory visit to the shop, a final moment on the beach and then back home to Guernsey in time to take Lou to the airport and on to teach.
I am just loving this weather and life in Guernsey in the sunshine, if only it would stay like this all summer...well let's just see, fingers crossed and lots of positivity.
Thank you to anyone reading this who attended the yoga "class on the grass", it was a magical morning for me.
Much love and gratitude.