Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Soul's Dilemma

Lovely to see so many of you at Yoga tonight, while I am not a fan of winter over here, it is rather cosy in the St Peter's hall with its red light heaters and I tend to feel refreshingly shut off and protected from the rest of the world - plus the Tibetan singing bowl is creating some wonderful vibrations these days (must be combined good energy in the room perhaps).

It has been a reflective, philosophical and at times confronting week, filtering the many lessons learned during Bright Ideas, particularly the reminder to stay true to the self, even if that means going against the grain (think Jonathan Livingstone's book, "The Seagull"). And to stop, truly, go with the flow, adopt a non-doing approach to life, present moment, try not to regret the past or worry about the future, appreciate what you have rather than what you don't have and don't berate yourself for forgetting sometimes, love, just love instead, heart and soul, body and mind.

I rediscovered this fabulous poem by Attar (a Sufi mystical poet) today, "The Soul's Dilemma", may it provide you with comfort and inspiration too. xx

"Once again, each day,
I travel the path of your love.

Every night, without fail,
I mourn your absence anew.

My soul lacks the courage
to love one
such as you -
and my heart lacks the strength to abandon you too".

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