Monday, July 30, 2012

Yoga "class on the grass" and more sunshine

What a wonderful week we have just had.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last week were simply stunning, the beach was the only place to be.  I think it was Wednesday, when it was particualrly hot, that I headed down to Saints Bay and was quite blown away.  The moon was rising in one direction, the sun shining in another, and the tide was high and it was so warm that I swam 4 separate times in one afternoon.  Stunning Guernsey days!

Thursday the weather broke.  Inevitable really, it had gotten so warm that lightening was the only way forward, brightening the skies and bringing with it a significant shift in temperatures so that Friday was rather cool.  Still it was sunny for picnic time at Castle Cornet on Friday evening, such a lovely way to end the week.  Others were watching the Olympics opening ceremony, which I missed, but it sounds like a success.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny, hoorah, perfect for the Yoga "class on the grass" up at St Germain nature reserve.  I was joined by 16 others and together we enjoyed the wonderful views of Vazon and Fort Houmet, and over to Kings Mills further along the coast, as we practisec asana and enjoyed a relaxing savasana sinking into the grass, grounding us to the eath and feeling the sun on our skins.  We were joined by swallows and 3 playing kestrels, crows and seagulls, so it really was a back to nature experience.  Together with the Yoga and the sunshine, what a wonderful way to begin the weekend and raise a very generous £105 for the Lihou Charitable Trust's refoofing project - thank you to all who attended. xx

Talking of Yoga in nature, I was reading this fabulous article (see about the way the world is changing (as I have been waffling on about quite a bit recently) and how there are various things you can do to enhance your connection to the earth and calm yourself down a little and funnily enough laying on the earth in a quiet space is one such tip, like animals do when they are sick.  So if you find yourself having a challenging time then take your mat and yourself outside into a quiet space and simply relax to the sounds and texture of nature.

We have been swimming in the sea frequently recently. In the above article it recommends laying in a sea salt bath to clear your energy and I do agree, but find that the sea does this very effectively.  I always feel drawn to do this after spending time at a computer in work, or when I have spent time with lots of different energies, it just cleanses the aura, connects one to the earth, wakes you up (of that there is no doubt!) and makes you feel better. The warm salted bath has a similar effect, it will certainly make you sleep better, but is not quite the same nature based experience as the sea, which is free and right here on our doorstep!!

So it is a full moon again on Thursday so the next few days could be interesting.  Time to be aware of one's emotional state and not take anything too personally.  Definitely a time to take to one's mat and sit for 5 minutes tuning into one's breath before stretching a little and grounding oneself to the earth.

Let us hope this weather continues for more sunshine fun ahead.

With gratitude as always,


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