Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunflowers and Yoga fun!

Well I have woken feeling energised, clear and indeed positive for the week ahead and I can't help thinking that this is due to a wonderful traditional Yoga intensive yesterday.

Wow, what a morning as 24 students came together to immerse themselves in the beautiful light Yoga energy.  We began with some pranayama to centre, calm and begin the cleansing process, followed by a traditional asana class with lots of poses to release blockages within the energy body as well as detoxifying the physical body, bring more flexibility to the spine and thus clarity and calmness to the central nervous system and releasing stiffness from the joints.

Then we sat and chanted like I have never sat and chanted in Guernsey before.  Wow!!!   AUM, the primordial sound of the Universe, my gosh, it sounded like we had a choir in the room, in fact I even found myself moving my hands as if I was conducting as we quietened the sound at the end of the practice.  And then we sat.  So peaceful, throat chakras buzzing, silence, energy vibrating, cells healing.  Bliss!!

I then led everyone through a Yoga Nidra, hopefully it was profound on some level, as it always tend to be for me - a resolve in Yoga Nidra tends to manifest in life generally, it is a powerful practice.

I had bought my Buddha along with me as a representation of the peace and harmony that resides within each and every one of us.  People brought offerings so that the Buddha looked rather lovely.  Photo to follow hopefully.

On Saturday E and I went along to the Sunflower maze at the Saumarez Park walled garden bit.  Wow amazing, so many beautiful sunflowers and such a great idea.

We managed swims in the sea each day at Petit Bot, I would love to say it feels warm but alas I am finding it cold and not so pleasant these days!  Good to wake you up and cleanse however.  We managed a walk out at Petit Bot on the cliffs too, beautiful as ever, especially with the autumnal colours and the blackberries starting to come through - late this year.

I must admit I am loving autumn now I have accepted the change of season.  I made my first batch of autumnal soup yesterday, an immune boosting one, yum, yum.  Autumn solstice soon,and then we start to see the change in this lovely late summer sunshine and warmth.  Time for the boots!!

So all in all it has been an invigorating, enlightening and nourishing weekend.

Thank you to everyone who attended the class yesterday, much love and light.

Om shanti.


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