Friday, July 19, 2013

Awakening with all beings, Lihou and lots of sunshine fun

What has happened to this month, it is literally flying back, thankfully in a haze of memories of such glorious weather.  Yes, it seems all prayers have indeed been answered and here we are, second week or so of such wonderful weather, sun still shining, temperatures higher than usual, and a blissful wind to cool things down a little.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have to say that this weather does make a huge difference to one's experience of the summer. After a few weeks of feeling a little disconnected to nature with a  busy schedule and a lack of quiet time, I now feel totally back in the zone after a few weeks of outdoor living.  Last weekend we made the most of the sunshine and sat out for dinner at Vazon on Friday night before enjoying a bike ride along the West coast to Portlet on Saturday and a low tide warm swim with all small lady crabs - I had not idea this is the place you go for crabbing here in Guernsey, let alone the fact it is so much warmer to swim than on the South coast, I kid not.

We managed breakfast on the beach at Petit Bot on Sunday, tide rising, sun shining, wonderful especially with a couple of super cold swims to wake us up for the day ahead.  And then Sunday afternoon we were off to Lihou for our annual Lihou trip with E's Mum and our friends Hayley and Mike.  How wonderful, heat wave in Lihou and the Island all to ourselves, bliss, just love this little Island connected to Guernsey by a causeway at low tide.

Upon arrival we headed to the glorious Venus pool, what incredible light and healing energy, we all managed a swim, even Hayley and Val, well done ladies. That evening we enjoyed supper outside, just us and the elements, all those birds, the sun setting, the moon rising, the stars shining, wow, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  The next morning we awoke to find the tide rising, cut off as we were from the outside world, no laptop, yet more bliss, breakfast on the decking with the sun shining and views of Guernsey in the background.  We sat on the beach and chatted and watched the birds, the oyster catchers adjusting to our presence, yet more swimming, yet more awareness of the movement of the tides, coming and going, all day long.

I went for a walk on my own and was fascinated by the way the seagulls communicate with one another to warn of potential danger, human approaching, fledglings to take cover.  We visited when the eggs were laid and then the sea gulls would dive bomb you if you got to close to the nests, things haven't changed much now, rather intimidating to find all these sea gulls going crazy simply because you are walking along the path a few metres away from their offspring who merge into the surrounding scenery, clever the way the young are given such a chance in life.

By the time we returned to Guernsey, chasing the tide and wading through a small part of the causeway to get back to Guernsey in time to teach that evening, I was feeling rather sunburnt and completely grounded to the earth, connected once more to the cycle of nature so that all week I have been rising with the sun and collapsing a little as it drops in the evening. 

There is a simplicity to the flow of nature, easy to underestimate the positive impact this can have on our souls, on our hearts, on our inner rhythm and sense of connection to the greater picture.  When I was sick with adrenal fatigue and exhaustion a few years ago now that left me depressed and anxious and taking a few months out from teaching and working, E encouraged me into the garden and out into nature and it was this, I believe, the gardening, the walking, the camping, the being with nature, that helped to heal my delicate soul, that helped to slow me down and bring me back to myself, to my heart, to the greater joy of being alive.  I recommend to others to get out there too, work with the land, get some soil in your hand, smell the roses, feel the grass, the sand beneath your feet, cleanse your aura with some sea swimming.  It does help to make one feel quite a live - as does trekking in mountains, another attraction for us in Nepal.

Jack Kornfield in his book, "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry", writes:

"The Elders of the forest tradition tell us to spend time in the natural world.  We begin to transform our spirit each time we go for a walk and smell the bay laurel after the rain, each time we pause to admire the quince in spring, the fire maple in autumn, today's certain shade of rose at twilight, the budding lily on our neighbour's porch, the last rustle of small animals into the astonishing silence at nightfall in the mountains.  We renew our spiritual life each time we walk back into the wilderness of our world and sense the beauty that has given us birth and the untameable cycles vaster than all our plans.  In this way, our care for the none human world can grow, not out of duty but out of love, out of gratitude and reverence for the web of creation, an unceasing holiness.

Tending this earth, we become part of its awakening.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "To appreciate beauty and find the  best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, a redeemed social condition, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded".  Caring for the natural world is one way we also tend to the human one."

Very much looking forward to the Yoga "class on the grass" this weekend, donations only to the Priaulx Premature Baby Foundation.  Such a joy to practice Yoga in the garden, I try and take my practice into this environment when I can, makes for a blissful beginning to the day.  This Sunday should be wonderful with the sun shining and a light breeze cooling us down a little.  Brunch follows for those who fancy some nourishment, sadly the tides are wrong for a high tide swim, have to wait for later afternoon for that one.  All are welcome, send me an email for directions.

22 weeks pregnant today, bean seems to be doing well in there.  This is a lovely part of the pregnancy as there is no sickness and energy levels are not as tested as they have been, plus I can still enjoy swimming and cycling and my own Yoga practice, albeit much gentler than it may have been previously.  Long may this continue, although as ever better not to get too attached to any way of being, just means something to let go of, because as we all know, everything passes!

Enjoy the sunshine.

Love and much gratitude.


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