Saturday, February 1, 2014

The light returns

So we made it back, 13 hours of cross channel 6 metre wave travel, oh yes, what a joy!!  We could have flown to Singapore in the same time, although in fairness I don't mind the boat and nor did Elijah as he slept well, which is just as well as daddy felt sick for much of the journey!  I admit I don't particularly enjoy such a rough crossing but I do love that Commodore Clipper, such a good boat, just keeps going...

Elijah is almost 12 weeks and all of a sudden life is much more manageable. People were always telling me about this magic switch when things became much more manageable and I had almost given up hope - especially as someone told me 6 weeks was the magic number - but here we are.  I am not sure if it is because we have adjusted to life with Elijah, or whether Elijah has all of a sudden become more aware and more self-occupied so that he will sit for 15 or 20 minutes at a time just watching what is going I can do stuff.  What a joy, freedom of sorts, and he is so cuddly!!!

I was back to teaching today, running a series of workshops so I can share with others, in a more disciplined manner, various aspects of our practice.  I just love it.  Staying with Charles (one of Elijah's spiritual parents) in Brighton I managed to get to 2 Bikram yoga classes and while these classes are insanely hot and very pitta imbalancing I did love the challenge and discipline of them and they helped to inspire me back to Guernsey. So lovely to teach, and so wonderful to share.

Admittedly the two hourly night time feeding is exhausting but the marvellous acupuncture from Andre Sidner has left me feeling wonderfully energised.  I received regular acupuncture when I was preparing for pregnancy and I have to say it is mind blowing - well for me anyway. And now, recovering from the birth and early days of motherhood, so too the iron deficiency, well it has helped enormously.  Thank you Andre - shining lights!

So too actually my Yoga practice,  I can't eve begin to tell you how much practicing Yoga has helped the transition from single life to motherhood and the healing that comes with all that and so the light shines again.  I am blown away by the power of Yoga and how it really does indeed help to transform, I wish we could all practice to transform the world into a lighter and brighter place. Collectively we need to heal, not easy, but worth it in the long run:-)

Today we went for a long walk around Pleinmont, wow, new moon tides, insanely high and low, and these crazy winter winds made for a marvellous sea scene.  While this winter has been rather testing in its dreariness, the seas have been incredible in these storms.  Wow, what is going on with weather these days, a definite climate change going on.  How wonderful, therefore, to see the buds appearing...Spring is on its way reminding us again and again that everything changes, so too that all of a sudden the light is increasing each day, noticeably very much today.

On that note, I am off to cuddle my baby, change a foot as he usually feeds non stop at this time of the evening but is happy sitting with us here on the sofa, what a beautiful boy. 

Grateful, grateful, grateful.


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