Well I hope you all enjoyed welcoming the New Year and the start of a new decade, how time flies and yet how much has changed since the Millennium, how life has the potential to be so different in another 10 years time!!
I decided to start the New Year as I intend it to continue - peaceful, quiet and simple. So after spending a few hours with my dear friends Vicki and Chris and watching them mess around on the wii (I lasted 25 minutes before I got bored of the whole wii experience!), and talking on the phone to my oldest bestest friend Lou up in Edinburgh, I returned to my folks' house in time for midnight, which I enjoyed on my own, before going to bed. Fun huh!!
Still I woke feeling content this morning, excited almost about the year ahead, the skies were beautiful early morning and the roads clear as I went for an early morning drive in my new car (second hand, courtesy of Sam, the trials and tribulations of Bestsy resolved and over before the end of the year, hoorah) enjoying the views - such an incredible play of clouds and light and the sea a deep and dark winter blue, plus a little sleet to spice things up, I do feel so lucky at times like this to live on Guernsey.
I spoke to my brother in Australia too, always good to talk - shame he lives over the other side of the world, although not for much longer - especially as he is getting super excited about his forthcoming travels through India, Nepal, Thailand and Malaysia with his partner, Star, and her 14-year old daughter, Adena, who will now be home-schooled (and what better education than travelling the world). They will be in Europe by May and here in Guernsey for a few weeks - I can't wait, we are all hoping to teach Yoga together and offer something a little different.
So all in all a good start. I am now settled in my new home in the lanes of rural St Andrews, a house owned by the grandmother of one of my friends, very cosy and so lovely to finally unpack all my books and bits and pieces that have been packed away since Ross and I sold our house over 4 years ago...at times I can't believe that it has taken 4 years to get to this position of being able to stand on my own two feet as a self-employed being, such a relief, so it just goes to show it can happen, if you have patience, intention and faith (and believe me I have struggled with all those concepts at times!)...long may it continue!
Aside from the noise of the paper and mail planes arriving in the morning acting as my new wake up call, I love the fact that I can also hear the early morning call of the cockerels and many birds who reside in the beautiful garden, plus the horses being ridden through the lanes, and there is very ittle light pollution at night so I am aware of the moon and the stars again, reminding me of my life in Nepal when I would often sit on the rooftop of the humble hotel late at night (by Nepali standards), enjoying the opportunity for solitude, reflection and star gazing.
I am looking forward to getting back to teaching Yoga again. Over the festive period I have been working with a book I received for Christmas by this wonderful lady called Dona who has been practising Yoga for almost 50 years and shares her knowledge from an anatomical and yet energetic perspective having spent many of her years experimenting with the Iyengar tradition. This book has helped to change my practice and release the tension I was beginning to feel in my sacral-illiac joint from almost being too mobile in that area of the body - integrity, I am learning greater integrity in my own practice I guess, which I am keen to share with others, especially those with lower back issues.
Of course I have set many intentions for the new year, but I am open to the unknown, new experiences and opportunities on the path of light, doing my bit to serve and fulfil my true potential, however that presents itself. Peace, love, continued good health and happiness are high up the list, and truth and integrity of course, plus travel and continued oppotunities to teach Yoga both home and abroad, plus write, well continue to write - it could be a busy year! But we shall see, one foot in front of the other, the past is the past, the future is the future and the present is of course a gift, so we should enjoy it, whatever it presents!
So onwards and upwards in 2010, may we continue to embrace Lakshmi (beauty, wealth and abundance), Ganesha (overcoming all obstacles) and Shiva (destroying and creating), allowing our individual light to shine forth, helping to make the world a happier, more peaceful and lighter place to live.
Om shanti.
Love Em x
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