Yesterday Ewan and I decided to walk from Pleinmont to Petit Bot along the cliffs before navigating the lanes to Les Douvres for a much needed drink. It took us 3.5 hours and during that whole time we only passed 8 other people, which is quite incredible really.
I have to say it was not easy, the cliffs can be relentless at times, all those steps, one after another, up and down, reminded me a little of trekking in Nepal! However the hard work is more than worth it, great to clear the head gain some clarity, ground the energy, breathe in some fresh air, exercise the heart and lungs and of course it was great fun too, not least the chatter and laughter (thank you Ewan) but also experiencing that feeling of getting away from it all, out in the elements and surrounded by nature, even though we were only ever a matter of miles from our homes.
The cliffs are beautiful at the moment and the winter light really played on the sea, all sorts of colours, sea green (funny that!) and darker gun metal blue, and then crystal clear in the shallows so that you could see the rocks below. There are so many seagulls nestling on the lower cliffs at the moment too, perhaps they are always there and I have never noticed before, taking a respite from the cold winds I suspect, the odd fishing boat in view in the distance and Jersey too, let alone the murmurings of Spring, buds on trees and daffodils in some of the fields we passed.
We were fascinated by all the little side tracks veering off the main cliff past down to the rocks, probably used by fishermen, we didn't have time to explore. I love all the little bridges over the little streams too, the imagination can run wild on the cliffs, smugglers, nanny goat bridges, memories of walking here as children with parents and friends, Sunday afternoons.
We decided to make the most of this "outdoor" and going with the flow theme of the weekend and walked across to Lihou Island this morning. What a beautiful morning with bright blue skies and sunshine (such a relief to be heated by the sun, it has been so cold these last few days)and once again I was amazed that we only passed a handful of other people out on the Island. We searched for driftwood and found some cool stones and shells too, lovely light, a swell on the rocks, views of the west coast of Guernsey and Alderney in the distance.
Love and light - happy valentine's day too.
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