No watching the early sunrise this Summer solstice for me, not that you would know it was the middle of the summer based on the still-cold temperatures in Paris. Imagine my delight therefore to pop up from under the English channel into the Kent countryside and find the warm sun shining through the windows of the Eurostar. Good old Britain, may not be so reliable with the football, but has certainly provided sunshine for the early morning Pagan sunrise watchers these last few years.
Ewan met us off the train (and what a great invention that was, one minute flying through the French countryside, the next popping out into the English countryside, fantastic) and the two of us walked to Camden for lunch. I have got to be in the right mood for Camden, Sundays are terrible, too busy, too many people stopping and starting to take photographs seemingly oblivious to anyone but themselves, but today, Monday, was fine, not too busy, available seats at Lock 17, and still the sun was shining.
We watched a guy (river gypsy Ewan calls them) work his way through the lock, his little black dog with spiky fur jumping on and off the boat. I guess the guy is used to doing this, this lock thing, and in front of an audience too, I find it rather interesting, in fact the whole barge thing looks rather fascinating, the freedom of moving your home up and down the river like that. Mum and Dad have just spent a week on a barge holiday in France and completely loved the experience - I haven't seen my Dad so rested for ages.
That evening we continued the birthday celebrations with a meal at the wonderful Blue Elephant Thai restaurant in Fulham Broadway. This time Mum, Dad, Ewan and I were joined by my one of my best friend' Hannah and her Mum, Anita, who happens to be my Mum's best friend from University (and hence how I got to meet Hannah and after spending a summer working on a soccer camp in Boston together run by another University friend of our mothers we became firm friends) and Shane, one of my Dad's best friends.
We had such a fun night, it is always so uplifting to be in the company of best friends, especially when you are spoilt with wonderfully tasty and fresh Thai food...the simple pleasures in life...a lovely way to end this "healing" trip away.
And it is true, it has been healing, all of the experiences, to rest in France and live with a French family, to spend time with the family in Paris and now with friends in London. I do feel blessed, I do feel more refreshed and energised and I do feel very inspired by all the kundalini Yoga I have been practising, the meditation techniques and the breathing exercises....long may it continue....and long may the sun continue to shine. So a huge thank you to my Mum and Dad again for yet more generosity and good times.
Happy summer solstice.
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