Sam and I walked out to the fairy ring on Friday afternoon. We went out there together for the first time last new year's eve to do a letting go burning bowl ceremony with my cousin Yo. So this is the first time we have been back since and it was as lovely as it always is.
You just have to love Pleinmont, it has this special energy, what with its Wicca past (and present, lots of white witches living in the area) and of course the presence of fairies. It is a perfect place to make a wish and ask advice from the pendulumn. Wishes always come true out there.
Sam and I are still looking forward to dancing around the fairy ring under the full moon one evening...trouble is last time I danced outside under the energy of the full moon (naked too I'll have you know, adds to the hol experinece, and yes Ewan thought me totally crazy, what with the crystals cleansing and everything!) I was totally wired for days, in fact I wonder if that is the reason I got sick, shot my nervous system! Anyhow Sam is returning to India on Thursday before the next full moon so all that kind of stuff will have to wait until she is next on the Island.
Anyhow autumn is now upon us and many of the leaves are changing colour and there are berries all over the place, not that the blackberries are ready just yet (at Pleinmont at least). There is just that feel to the air, of change and new beginnings. I believe I mourned the loss of summer last week and now I am finally focused into this new season, hoorah.
The one highlight of autumn is the warm (!) sea temperature. Ewan and I managed a swim at Port Soif on Saturday morning. It was high tide and while it was damp and windy, we were the only people on the beach and it felt good to be swimming, just us and nature, lots of birds and sand hoppers. We warmed up over tea at Victor Hugo's feeling that we had already achieved at least one thing that day!
We managed a swim on Sunday too. Still high tide but the sun was shining and we ended up at Petit Bot where we were certainly not the only people on the beach - it never ceases to amaze me how busy that beach gets and until I met Ewan I have probably only been there a handful of times in my life. Now I love it. Although the sea always feels colder swimming there than on the West coast.
In the afternoon I went along to the Weighbridge to support Sam's adult sport's day to raise funds for a Tibetan charity she supports. The weather was perfect and the whole experience was so much fun...I wish I had entered a team, especially as the first prize was return flights to Jersey for each team member, amongst other things there was an egg and spoon race, a sack race and three-legged race! Those who were participating really seemed to enjoy themselves and I do believe this could become an annual event - as always just need to rally up some support. Well done Sam, you can return to Dharamasala knowing you have tried to do your bit.
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