Oh my gosh, it is really rather cold! We are nestled up on the sofa near the fire, even the cat has taken to sitting beside us to keep warm!
Two of my best friends have stayed with us this weekend, H and Han, and we have had so much fun together. There is nothing quite as special as spending time with your girlfriends and as it is not something I get to enjoy very often as my best friends all live off Island, I have made the most of it this weekend.
Ewan made us a bonfire on Friday in honour of Guy Fawkes's night so we stood around that for a bit watching the fireworks in the distance. Then Ewan decided to leave us to it(we were cackling like witches apparently) so we honoured the new moon with our own little letting go and new beginning ceremony and we also did some abundance work too, all good fun, before angel cards and the I Ching too. We managed a relatively early night and slept so well - must have been the fire and the melatonin release.
Saturday morning I taught a Yoga class - great fun, I do love the energy of the morning sessions and in the afternoon we enjoyed the Grande Mare health suite all to ourselves and drove along the coast to the Rockmount - 10 years ago this was our regular haunt, how times change, mind you the views of the stormy sea are still pretty cool. That night we continued the reminiscence with a trip into town and lots of dancing and smiling and yet more good times and memories.
We managed a walk before lunch at the Imperial with views of the crazy sky, one minute really grey and heavy with rain and the next clearing and looking like it may brighten up for the rest of the afternoon. We managed a trip to the Little Chapel too, it is such an incredible spot especially with the cows in the valley below. So yet more prayers before saying our goodbye's and going our own ways again...thankfully we will meet before New Year, this time in London before H moves out to Australia.
I am absolutely loving the colours of the great outdoors at the moment. Apparently due to the mild Autumn the leaves on the trees have maintained their moisture for longer than usual and hence the incredible oranges, auburns and ambers. Not only that but I happened to be awake for sunrise the other morning and saw the most incredible skies. And then a few days later I was driving through Talbot valley the other afternoon and was suddenly hit with this sense of awe at the wonderful richness of the landscape, the bright green grass and the bright skies. We do live in a truly beautiful world.
So another busy week ahead, incredible how it comes in waves. We have the Yoga and Wellbeing retreat on Herm this weekend, which should be so much fun and then I am off to Edinburgh to visit my other best friends and meet Lou's new baby, Matilda, and enjoy the cold Scottish weather!
Hope you have a good week.
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