I was up at 6am yesterday morning and enjoyed a practice before the sun rose and I taught at 10am - for me it was highly enjoyable and I hope others felt the benefits throughout the rest of the day and beyond - before a private at 12.30pm with fantastic views over the rough seas on the West coast.
Mum, Dad and I went for walk around the lanes at L'Eree, it was beautiful, very little traffic and investigating all the green lanes - my Dad has a incredible knowledge of these and it was rather fascinating passing fields and houses I have never seen before on Guernsey. Yet again it made me realise how fortunate we are to live over here - if you make the effort to get off the beaten path (as always) and get out and about, then you will no doubt find many hidden gems on this beautiful Island.
This was emphasised somewhat on Countryfile on BBC1 later that evening when friends, Joseph and Sarah, opened up their greenhouse to the television crew. The filming made Guernsey look incredibly beautiful - dream Island like - and made me long for those lovely light and bright summer evenings and all that tasty and fresh, locally-grown produce.
The rain returned this morning but had cleared by the time I finished in the office today, and after a cup of tea and catch up with a friend, I drove down to Vazon in time for sunset. It was incredible, truly, the moon (almost full - Wednesday is full moon by the way, but you can already feel the heightened energy) was rising and the sun setting and creating sublime clouds full of oranges, pinks and reds, and down at the beach the surf was pumping and the sea full of surfers. I sat on the beach and wrote in my diary, giving thanks, before braving the freezing cold sea - okay I was in for a matter of seconds, just enough to dip in the water and get my hair and whole body wet, neti my nose and run back up the beach again!
Still, it was a lovely feeling, especially to nip over the road and warm up in the steam room at the Grande Mare before enjoying a proper swim!
Ewan is now flying into Sydney, and hoping to visit my brother Ross, who is now back to work in Brisbane - I cannot even imagine what the city looks like in the after math of the floods. He says summer has finally arrived, humid and sunny days and surf too, lucky thing!
Still I love the seasons, and Guernsey really is a beautiful place to be - and for once i am not just trying to convince myself - it is all in the mind anyhow!
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