Wow, once again, lots of choice for Yoga in this city.
Luckily - or coincidentally (not that there is perhaps such a thing!), I have chosen to stay in a hotel in Union Square right near a plethora of Yoga studios, notably Om Yoga, headed by Cyndi Lee, an internationally reputable Yoga teacher, who has certainly established a lovely ambient Yoga studio on Broadway.
So I went to my first class this morning with a teacher named Frank, in this bright and tranquil studio, with lots of space and fresh air (so slightly refreshing after YYoga where space is non-existent and the rooms are heated and one of the studios lacks a window) and only a handful of other students.
It was a lovely class, great background music, gentle instruction, lots of room to play with some more physically challenging poses, lots of heart opening and inversions, plus a few arm balances and the legendary Hanumansasa (splits)! I left feeling nourished, energised and relaxed, all at the same time. Thank you Frank for facilitating that experience.
As always - now I have taken the time to check in - the body came through with its daily message, no surprise there then, given my outer circumstances.
Arriving into New York last night after a 3.30am start was a little challenging. It was rush hour on a Friday and he place was packed with people, cars and taxis. If anything, it was a little overwhelming after the spacious nature (in comparison) of Vancouver. Still within an hour of being here I had located the train station, Om Yoga studios and Wholefoods, so I felt a little more grounded and focused.
Wholefoods was an unbelievable experience. I have been to a number of these during my travels in N America the last few years, but this one is HUGE. I have never seen so many organic and health relate products under one roof. Plus it was absolutely packed with people, and the queues were extensive. Whoever established Wholefoods must be rubbing their hands with glee - mind you, there is an ethic side to the whole establishment too.
Anyhow all very exciting. Ewan arrives today so that we can truly have fun and see what this city has to offer. Clearly time for me to come out of my 2.5 week retreat!!
Love and light.
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