I keep saying it, but the cliffs are absolutely stunning in Guernsey at the moment, I never realised quite how blessed we are to have this kind of beauty on our doorstep.
On Thursday I went Nordic walking with the rest of the group out at Fort George and through Bluebell woods to Village de Putron. The bluebells are out in force, much earlier than usual, and the woods are stunning, albeit full of people enjoying the scene - lovely to see the painters however! Walking back along the cliff path we saw incredible views of Fermain, the sea just looks so temptingly blue in comparison to the brown granite above, and all the greens and purples and yellows. Heaven.
Yesterday my partner and I decided to go for an adventure at Portlet out on the South Coast. My cousin, Yo, had put us on to it, to be honest I didn't even know it existed - she has an incredible knowledge of the cliffs over here. So we parked at Petit Bot and wandered through the lanes and out onto the cliff path and followed the signs down to Portlet, set between Petit Bot and the Gouffe.
As Yo had said, the walk down was its usual stunning self, lots and lots of bluebells and still the primroses. It really is like a fairy wonderland around there, especially as the path is so ancient, it just has that feeling somehow. We had unintentionally timed it rather well...low tide meant we could access the beach itself. Usually to do this you have to clamber through a small slither of space in the cliff face itself for about 40 metres, which of course my partner did all the same. I was impressed to say the least, I got claustrophobic just stepping a metre into that small space.
The beach is heavenly. It is not often, when the sun is shining so strongly over head on a Sunday, that you can find yourself the only people on a Guernsey beach, but alas we did, so cool. We walked across the beach and started clambering over the rocks figuring we could probably make it all the way around to Petit Bot, but alas not. We hit a crevasse in the rocks and with us both wearing flipflops, there was no way I was attempting any risk-it-all cliff rock jumping.
My partner thought it may be a good idea to attempt to climb the cliffs themselves, up onto the elevation above, nothing like getting the adrenaline going. Thankfully he soon realised that this was not going to be possible, flipflops or not, there were quite a few overhangs and all I could think about - check out the fear - was him falling and us being stuck on the beach as the tide started rising and having to call out the emergency services to come and collect us. I was struggling to simply navigate myself off the rocks, again the worst case scenario running through my mind...talk about mind over matter!
So we took the conventional route back onto the cliff path and back around to Petit Bot, where lots of people were making the most of the weather and chilling out on the beach. You kind of have to pinch yourself to remind yourself that it is only April, this weather is simply glorious.
A few hours later I went for a swim at high tide at Vazon. It is funny, the West coast used to be my favourite side of the island, and Vazon my chosen beach, but these days, thanks to my partner, I am much fonder of the South Coast and the cliffs - certainly for swimming as the beach has a steeper gradient so it is much easier to get into the cold water, plus the south coast beaches have pebbles and so you don't get covered in sand when you are changing! The sea is only about 10 degrees at the moment, I can't wait for it to warm up over the next few months.
After dinner at my folks later that evening I was fortunate to drive home when the moon was rising. Stunning. It was not quite full - that happens today - but all the same I can feel the heightened energy in the air as it kind of makes me feel both extra sensitive and a little wired. So tonight should be lots of fun!
Happy April days, so much for April showers...although the garden could certainly do with some of those!
With gratitude and in peace.
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