With my partner away in the UK, I treated myself to a wonderfully quiet and peaceful weekend doing my own thing.
I read somewhere recently about how important it is for people in relationships to have time apart from one another so that they have time to miss each other and to appreciate each other a little bit more.
I believe this is true, but I also believe everyone can benefit from spending a little time on their own...but I do appreciate that this is not easy for everyone, some people are so used to having other people around them that the idea of spending a day, let alone an evening and indeed a night in a house on their own is really rather threatening.
Still I loved the experience - a whole weekend filled with lots of silence and pottering, self practice, administration, swimming in the sea and gardening. I manaed to mow the lawn at home all on my own and weed the front and back garden and even clear up the pigsty, which I love, it just has such a cool energy.
On a not-so-silent note I did manage to fit in a trip to the Rocquaine Regatta to watch the Space Pirates of Rocquaine, who are absolutely great - Lisa's never ending energy is amazing. Love it. Thank you for the music with the sun setting behind us, Guernsey is so magical at times.
We worked hard at my folks' place on Sunday afternoon tidying up the veggie patch, lots of weeding and rotivating, picking and sorting the crops. It is sad really that we have now pulled up the rest of the beetroot and peas and dug up the rest of our summer potatoes for another season. Mind you I shouldn't complain, we still have lots of lovely beans and aubergines, tomatoes, courgettes, sprouts (yes, summer sprouts, who would have thought?!) and blackberries.
Talking of which, has anyone else noticed how early the blackberries have come through this year, and how you can occasionally smell autumn in the air, and how some of the trees are already starting to lose their leaves...
In fact everything is rather up in the air and blowing all over the place at the moment. Not only is it literally really windy out there but the economic crisis has sent stock markets into a state of turmoil and there are riots all over the UK, and
Harvard-trained academic Lobsang Sangay has been sworn in as the Tibetan government-in-exiles' new political chief, assuming the political role of the Dalai Lama who, at 76, remains the exiles' spiritual leader. if I hadn't seen and heard all this with my own eyes and ears on the news then I would think it is all a bit of a joke.
Seems like we are building up to a potentially interesting full moon this weekend especially if you have a read of this link http://realastrologers.com/weekly-forecast-august-8-mars-square-uranus-opposite-pluto?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Realastrologerscom+%28realastrologers.com%29.
It is a waxing moon at the moment, which means it is growing larger in the sky, moving from a narrow crescent just after the new moon towards the full moon.
The waxing moon grows from right to left and is called the 'right-hand moon' - the crescent is like the curve between the right-hand's index finger and thumb. Full of useful information huh!!
There is no denying the incredible influence the moon has over us and I have read that apparently the two weeks that the moon is waxing is the best time for trying to draw things to you, encourage growth, start new things or to “magnify” certain things in your life (want your hair to grow faster? then trim it during waxing moon. Want to increase your finances? Then focus your energies on improving finances during waxing moon)
When the moon is waxing, we feel more positive, more energized, more outgoing.
Well whether it is the effect of a good and long overdue chat with my Reiki Master the other day, receiving the results of a hormone test, which has thrown so much light onto why I have felt like I have felt for the last 18 months, spending the weekend being quiet with myself or spending lots of time working with the earth, I am certainly feeling very focused, positive and energised than I have felt for a while.
Happy waxing days ahead, go manifest more of what you want, and be careful not to give too much energy to what you don't want.
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