We have now been blessed with two wonderful weekends of bright sunshine, blue skies and fresh air...I wonder if these are our weekends of grace before the particularly cold temperatures predicted this year. Someone mentioned to me that if there is a full moon in the middle of October, then you always get a good week of weather around it! Incidentlaly a friend of mine in Canada also reported lots of sleeplessness around this mornth;s full moon last week - we can only deduce that it was indeed a powerful one!!
On Saturday and Sunday mornings E and I ventured down to Petit Bot and joined a few other people swimming in the crystal clear sea at high tide with the sun shining down on us - unbelievable, we really had to catch ourselves and remember that this is the middle of October and here we are swimming in the sea with other people. Amazing.
We spent Friday and Saturday afternoons charity shopping - we just love it, there is something ever so slightly satisfying about coming across bargains, plus of course the recycling value of it all. We have quite a choice over here, although it is nothing quite like what I have come across on my travels - America has provided many a wonderful charity shop and then there are the op shops in Australia. In fact everywhere I have travelled, I have manged to find some groovy clothing from second hand stores, that keep me going for years and have the added bonus of reminding me of my travels!
Saturday evening I was blessed with the company of some of my local spirit friends. Always a pleasure to spend an evening in the company of other women who share a love of Yoga and energy work and healing. As always there was lots of laughter and some interesting conversations about enlightenment, and of course Yoga. Thank you ladies.
Sunday dawned glorious again and after our swim E and I joined family for brunch together, with lovely warm tea and croissants to refuel after our swim. My parents were in Sark so we watered their greenhouse and picked some of the amazing tomatoes and some aubergines, courgettes and raspberries. Sadly the harvest is coming to an end and due to the weather conditions this year the butternut squash have not fared so well, so I am having to stock up from the hedge stall at Vazon instead. The colours this Autumn are incredible, I came across some wonderful leaves at my parents' place.
In the afternoon we headed out to Lihou Island for the unveiling of the new solar panels, which E helped to cart back from Majorca, a very generous gift from John Hume, a Guernsey man who now lives out there. There were loads of people on the Island supporting the event and making the most of the homemade cakes for sale in the house. E and I absolutely adore Lihou Island - I would love to hold a retreat here, but I believe the shared dormitories would put people off attending and staying the night. Still, we try and get there once a year to shut off from the rest of the world.
Talking of retreats, I am very much looking forward to the forthcoming Yoga & Wellbeing retreat on Herm mid November. These weekends are always so enjoyable and while we may only be away for 2 nights, it feels like we are away for far longer - time slows down over there I guess, fascinating really, how much the pace of life can change one's experience of time...and indeed life! I hugely recommend this weekend to anyone who just wants to get away from it and restore their energy levels.
Back to Lihou, we were some of the last to leave and took great delight in walking around the back of the island on our own, checking out all the bird life and wild flowers, before heading back along the causeway and watching the tide coming in at quite a pace - you don't want to take your chances crossing that causeway! Beautiful views towards the Hanois from there too.
So I have yet another cold. This whole adrenal exhaustion thing definitely gets the body to tell me when I am overdoing it as I clearly have been recently - my new office job is going well, but it has been a challenge trying to balance that with my passion for teaching Yoga and offering the Reiki, which I love too. So I took time away from everything this weekend to reflect on the bigger picture and I am now consciously mindful of my schedule and - here comes the challenge - remembering to say no and establish clear boundaries for my own health and wellbeing - should be a more restful and fun week ahead therefore!!
With gratitude and much love
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