Thursday, September 20, 2012

Autumn Equinox blessings

It is the Autumnal Equinox tomorrow (Saturday) and still the sun shines!  In Paganism this is known as Mabon.  Like with the Spring Equinox, we have a time of equal day and equal night.  However after tomorrow, the days grow shorter and the sun begins to wane in its power.

A few weeks ago I was quite daunted by this process and yet now, having gone through this period of "change" with much awareness on my mat (and in life generally), I am really quite looking forward to the colder and darker days ahead to retreat and snuggle down in front of the fire, preparing and eating deliciously tasty ans warming soups and generally slowing the pace of life down a little after the activities of summer.

Mabon is also known as the harvest home and basically marks the end of the agricultural year.  Now all the crops will have been gathered (we are almost there) and preserving and storing for winter is a priority.  I must admit even I have gotten into the spirit of this this year, even if it is simply a matter of roasting down tomatoes, liquidising and then freezing for the winter ahead!!

The leaves have turned colour, some to rust and brown before they fall from the trees and then you have the marvellous copper beeches, which glow copper in this wonderful Autumnal light.  We still have flowers in the garden, I am very proud of the ones I planted from seed this year, many were eaten by slugs but some have survived.  Astors I think.  I am blown away by one of the purple ones we have in the front garden, it has over 16 flowers on it - imagine the energy that when into growing all those twelve flowers, well done little plant I say!!

So tomorrow I shall be celebrating the Autumnal Equinox in my own way. Firstly to give thanks for all our blessings and achievements and second, to project the ability to manifest that which we possess.  After all it does no good to manifest a goal if you cannot hold onto it.  You see ideally at this time of year, the goal you set yourself at the start of the year should have manifested or be well within your reach.

Indeed it is incredible how life does unfold for it has been abundant recently as a few new opportunities have presented themselves after a few months of letting go (never an easy process) to make room for the new to enter (after all the new cannot enter however much you wish, pray and envision, until you have created the space for it to enter by letting go of thos old emotions, mental conditioning, behavioural patterns that no longer serve you), so there is every reason to give lots of thanks, every day for that matter, and maintain a positive presence. So blessings all the way.

I have been fortunate to manage a swim in the sea most mornings this week, high tide at Petit Bot has been a delight.  And this has been proper swimming too so that I can't wait to get in a hot shower by the time I get home!  Incredibly invigorating, so too my more traditional Hatha self-practice of later.  I am not sure if it is coincidence, because it could also be due to the fact that I have taken joy in cooking meals from scratch this week (no idea where on earth the passion and inspiration for cooking has just come from but I shall embrace it all the way!) but I have had much more energy than I have had all summer, or so it feels. 

There is a lot to be said for that slower, more prana focused Yoga practice, so too a prana filled and fuelled meal, prepared with love and fresh vegetables, let alone when one turns a corner in one's healing and starts to see the light again.  Hoorah, for the world does indeed appear brighter and the possibilities endless.  But that is a whole other matter...

For us now, Autumnal Equinox, take a walk outdoors, go sit in nature and give thanks for the blessings of the Universe, for the food we eat, the air we breathe, for the capacity to love and for all our friends and family.  There is much to celebrate indeed.

With love


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