Saturday, February 19, 2011

Phoenix Yoga therapy training is great!

I am absolutely loving the Phoenix Rising Level 1 Yoga therapy course - it resonates with me on every level and I just wonder why it took me so long to find it (although of course I know the answer to that!).

Based on Carl Rogers, "becoming a human" and experiential approach it works on the basis that we already know how to heal ourselves - our body has been with us since we were conceived and it has lived with us through all our life experiences and holds everything at a cellular level, all tensions and unexpressed emotions, all that stuff that sometimes gets in the way of us living life fully, of being all that we truly are, and of loving ourselves unconditionally.

It is big stuff and has the potential to facilitate big shifts and lots of inner and outer change and transformation. Day 3 in, and I have already experience some of this for myself. I mean I have always known on an intellectual level that for change to happen we need to change ourselves on the inside rather than making tangible changes on the outside (those follow to reflect the inner change), but I have never experienced this with such awareness and such speed as I have these last 3 days. Phew.

Not to say it is without its challenges - any kind of inner work is hard going, but you only go as deep as you want to go - you are responsible for your own experience and the practitioner merely facilitates the process. I am also having to unlearn a lot of what I have learned about Yoga asana and the way it has been taught to me, what with its often black/white approach to satisfy our often dominant logical minds...that actually every body is different and every body needs to be where it needs to be in a posture. Fascinating and insightful and indeed liberating stuff.

Anyhow there have been far too many realisations to waffle on now...and this is only my experience and we are all entitled to our own...and I a very much looking forward to starting Level 2 on Monday...and fingers crossed for Level 3 in the summer.

On the other side, I am still getting to Anusara classes and enjoying the opportunity, although not so keen on practicing in warm and windowless rooms.

Anyhow 9pm means bed time for me this week.


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