Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yoga in Vancouver

Well it didn't take me too long to unpack and settle into my room - I am such a true cancerian as I like to have a "home" regardless of where that is, somewhere to come "home" to each evening!

Within a few hours of arriving (in the rain, apparently it always rains here!) I had navigated my way to the grocery store to stock up on supplies before heading to the health and fitness centre affiliated to the hotel I am staying - and what a stroke of luck as I get to use it for free so I enjoyed a much needed steam, swim and jacuzzi, before attending a Power Yoga class - all good fun, power it was and I was fairly wired for a few hours afterwards!

Today I was delighted to find the "Y" Yoga centre a mere 10 minute walk from my hotel in Yaletown. This is a trendy place with an emphasis on Hot Yoga and Power Yoga (both are really popular over here)but also - thankfully - Anusara and Yin Yoga too. I tried Anusara about 6 months ago in London and loved it, so was keen to give it another go and was not disappointed, it is a fantastic approach to Yoga. Plus I get a 2 week pass for a mere $33 - the cheapest thing in this city! - so I can go to classes whenever I like for free now!

Anusara Yoga weaves clear, precise principles of alignment with energetic movement while honoring the deep connection of body, mind and spirit. Yo are asked to challenge yourself with this rich, detailed practice, infused with a philosophy that celebrates life. An invocation is chanted to open the class and partner work is often instructed.

We sat and listened to the teacher talking about self-acceptance before moving straight into a challenging practice with lots of heart and hamstring opening poses and strengthening movements. We used the walls to ground the feet and we partnered up to practice handstands, we had the opportunity to practice headstand and we certainly twisted it all out. The room was annoyingly warm (the hot yoga and power yoga heat the room) and the relaxation far too short, but I left feeling much clearer and calmer than when I arrived.

I spent the afternoon wandering downtown in awe of the number of Starbucks in this city, it seems like they are on every block and they are always busy so people in this city must drink a lot of Starbucks - let alone all the other choices in coffee shops and fast food joints, quite unbelievable! I finally locating a wonderful (and yet rather expensive) Wholefoods shop where you can buy all manner of healthy things! I managed another free swim, steam and jacuzzi before resting my aching limbs and calling it an early night in preparation for my course, which starts tomorrow. So exciting!


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