Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The razor bill!!

Phew that was a busy, busy week, lots of Yoga and Reiki. Absolutely loving it, learning so much from all my students, and Reiki clients, thank you to everyone who has been spreading light and sharing energy.  To say I am inspired is an understatement, Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

I got rather inspired by a friend on facebook on Friday.  A bird watcher.  For some reason we entered into a conversation (amazing how one spends a Friday night these days) and he seems to think that we may have seen a short eared brown owl on a recent walk.  Wow.  This led to me, as these things do, joining the facebook Guernsey bird club, which led me to seeing an entry that there are razorbills in the harbour at the moment.  So Saturday late afternoon found us at the model yacht pond attempting to see said razorbills but to no avail.  I was very keen, the only one I have ever seen was found dead on the beach on Lihou.

So Sunday I dragged E back down to the model yacht pond with me and this time, hoorah, a razorbill.  Not easy to photograph, not least due to his distance from me, but also the fact that he kept going under water.  Who said this bird watching malarkey was easy!!!  Poor E, he tried to look interested!!

Anyhow we walked out to the lighthouse at the end of the pier at Castle Cornet, probably the second time I have ever walked out here in my life, silly really, as does provide a different perspective of time.  At the end were a group of fishermen.  This really got me thinking because they must stand here, in the cold and wind and rain, for hours at a time, patiently waiting for a fish to bite.  I can imagine that this is very pleasing for the heart and soul.  Not least being subject to nature and the elements but also the meditative nature of the staring out to sea,of being quiet and still and patient.  Pretty amazing really.

I have to say that daily meditation has been one of the single most beneficial things I have experienced.  It has become such a part of my life now that it is difficult to remember how different things were before.  Not easy at times, but I would definitely encourage people to find a meditative practice, even for 10 minutes a day.  Taking that time out to simply focus on your breath, or a mantra for example, can be so beneficial in centering, calming and strengthening the mind.  Of course chanting has so many benefits, one of which is to get you to a state of mind where you simply want to sit,  mind you the same could be said of asana and pranayama, they all play a role in leading you to that stillness, as indeed they were intended all those thousands of years ago.

It is really all part of the process however and often you need to focus on asana for a few years before the body, mind and soul are ready for you to sit and be still.  Other people begin with meditation and later find asana.  Everyone is different and the key is not to force yourself to do something for which you are not ready.  I know all about that one, the forcing to be more "yogic" or more "pure" whatever that is, all you actually end up doing is harming yourself.  It is all about mindfulness and being aware, therefore, of treating yourself with respect, compassion and kindness.

Anyhow, I am very much looking forward to this Sunday's Loving kindness session where we will experience a combination of pranayama, chanting, maitri meditation, asana and a lovely Yoga Nidra to calm, centre, nourish and increase that sense of kindness and compassion.  All in time for Valentine's week!!  That is of course if we do not get blown away first, no doubt the effects of the New moon, reflective of the strong energies of anger, frustration and irritation being released at the moment.  So keep smiling, it is all part of the process!!!

Love and light and much gratitude,


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