Thursday, September 19, 2013

Heal thyself

So the full moon has now passed and soon we will be celebrating the Autumn Equinox on the 22nd September when we experience a time of equal day and equal night.  The purpose of celebrating the Autumnal Equinox is twofold; firstly we want to give thanks for all our blessings and achievements, and secondly we want to project for the ability to maintain that which we possess – it does no good to manifest a goal if you cannot hold onto it.

For those of us who established a goal at the beginning of the year then it should now have manifested, or at least be well within our reach.  Technically, this is a time to give thanks for all the blessings we have received throughout the year.  And what a year too.  It may just be in the lives of those around me, but there is certainly a lot of change happening in the next few months, house moves, country moves, job moves, new babies, the whole works.  This is definitely a year to be reminded of the impermanence of everything.

I have noticed that there is an awful lot of illness too and with that the opportunity for healing.  I keep meaning to write an article about this, in terms of my experience of illness and healing, which is personal to me I guess and may be of no interest to anyone else, but I do find the healing process fascinating nonetheless as there is so much out there to help us, although ultimately we have to do the work and this can be hard work indeed.  It is like Louise Hay's says, "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed".

This is the reason yoga can be so healing and yet also rather confronting as it provides the opportunity for healing, well, at least, the opportunity for us to be deeply honest with ourselves, which is often the precursor for healing to take place.  That and letting go, only that sometimes we don't know what it is we should be letting go of.  Nature can be helpful in this respect too, spending time alone in it, that is.  Walking in nature, sitting in nature, just being one with nature.  Sometimes this helps to provide the clarity one needs to know what is going on, deep down, on a soulful heart felt level then.

Last weekend we got to enjoy the nature of Jethou.  Now that was really rather special.  Jethou is a private Island beside Herm.  The owners kindly opened it up to raise funds for Les Bourgs hospice and we managed to get tickets to go and visit.  What a lovely island, so many different eco systems, I could quite easily lose myself there for some time, although of course I wouldn't really be losing myself, if anything I would probably be very connected to the self, because the Island has that kind of energy, where you can simply be with yourself without the distraction of the rest of the world with all its business and noise and concerns.  Well worth a visit if you ever get a chance.

Anyhow I am very much thankful at this Autumn Equinox, 31 weeks pregnant today, the little bean is growing well, a miracle no less, there are blessings wherever we look.

With much love


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