Monday, September 2, 2013

Shiva dancing

Wow what a week, Shiva has been dancing in our lives again, so much destroying and letting go, no doubt to enable us to re-create and with that grow.  My whole being feels as if it has been tossed and turned and shaken upside down and all around in a washing machine.  Phew.  Talking to friends I know I am not alone, change is most definitely in the air, never felt it so strongly in such a short period of time.

The changing season is most definitely in the air and having enjoyed the most amazing summer I am personally ready for the change.  I just love the autumnal weekends with crisp sky and that beautiful Autumnal light, blackberry and apple picking for wholesome pies, let alone all the tomatoes and beans and the butternut squash on their way.  Exciting times indeed!

I had the most lovely Sunday yesterday, waking to feel the autumnal shift in the air, a gentle bike ride to morning pregnancy Yoga followed by a lovely sunshine filled walk through the St Andrew's lanes with a dear friend, putting the world to rights and helping to vocalise the events of the past few days. We picked beans up at E's sister's allotment, such a gentle energy up there, before pottering in a garden centre and swimming in the sea at Cobo at high tide.  We enjoyed a glorious sunset last night having eaten down on the west coast, the perfect end to a lovely calm day.  Nature abounds with beauty.  Thank you.

So the schools return this week and with that, a routine to life appears again.  For me personally, it is an exciting week of Yoga as I am off this weekend to London for a final training course before the bean arrives.  I am just so excited to be going to spend the whole weekend with a dear friend and Cyndi Lee, one of the most inspiring Yoga teachers in my life these days.  Such great timing, I just can't wait to absorb the energy and wisdom of her teachings to enhance my own practice and my teaching too.

Talking of teaching, the Autumn schedule begins in earnest next week, that is also exciting, due to changing personal and work commitments there have had to be some changes which sees the classes moving to St Martin's, at least for now, will be strange having hiked up to St Peter's for the last 5 years or so.  So there is more change you see, even in my world of Yoga teaching!

The new moon appears on Thursday, I am hopeful that this will bring some degree of calmness after the turbulence of the last weeks or so - that certainly was a very powerful last full moon!

With much love and gratitude.


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