It is full moon tomorrow....and an exciting one too....see http://realastrologers.com/full-moon-in-aries-october-22 for more information.
The full moon is a time of immense - and intense - psychic awareness and great fertility. It is a wonderful time to celebrate the moon and its seasonal gifts by outdoor evening meditation and enjoying drumming, fires, gazing at the moon and singing and dancing with friends. It is also the time to resolve difficult tasks, to let go of anything which has been bothering you (it comes back to the fact you have to let go to let the new in), to cleanse crystals and to say a prayer of thanks to the Goddess of the moon.
Moon watching, generally, is a wonderful way of knowing and living with the circular movement of nature. Each of the thirteen moons in a year has its own name and is in harmony with the month it appears in bringing with it seasonal energy. The full moon in October is often known as the "blood moon" as this moon marks the season of hunting and slaughtering (not good for us vegetarians!) of the animals for winter food and clothing. This is a time for thanksgiving, rest and reflection.
Since the beginning of time people have been influenced by the moon and its phases – everyone is “moon touched” although some more than others. The moon can influence our energies in a powerful way. For our ancestors moon watching was a part of life as it helped to light the skies and guide hunters, warriors and travellers safely through the dark and back to their tribes.
Furthermore as our ancestors looked to the heavens, they saw how the moon waxed and waned, how night turned into day, spring into summer, and summer into winter. They saw the seas ebb and flow; plants bring forth grain and life burst forth from the womb. Everything in nature seemed to move in harmony with the phases of the moon, including women’s menstrual cycles and pregnancy.
In fact for women, governed by monthly cycles, the moon was particularly significant and still is, as women we subconsciously know our connection with the moon through our bodies. The feminine qualities of the moon are highly celebrated with many moon goddesses linked to “her”. In fact the Great Goddess worshipped in old Europe became equated with the moon, in whose divine light she was reflected. As the moon waxed and waned, so did the inherent power of the Goddess.
The mystical moon ‘influences’ that people once used to use to improve their lives are still important to many pagans and natural spiritualists today. For example, many people are turning once again to the principles of lunar gardening, something that was developed over 10,000 years ago and handed down over generations until they became ignored and forgotten with the development of chemical fertilisers in the 20th century. For more information please see www.lunarorganics.com.
As well as the full moon, other significant moon times are:-
The new moon – this can be a great time for starting new projects, planting seeds, setting out intentions for the moon cycle. Sit outside, burn candles and incense and connect with flowers and plants and seasonal fruit and vegetables.
Waxing half moon – the energy is building so this is a good time to take steps towards realising plans and intentions, a good time to try new and challenging ventures. Get out there and walk in wild places, connect with the birds, animals and signs that nature puts in your path.
Waning full moon – as the energies of the moon become less, so it becomes a good time to think of letting go, banishing those things from our life that we no longer need, those things that hold us back. This is the time to do less and reflect more, contemplation, meditate, listen to music and tend to the seeds that you have planted.
Dark moon – this is often a time to take the pressure off, give into the low energy that you may experience, it is a great time to reflect on where you want to go next in preparation for the new moon. So give yourself a break and enjoy sitting outdoors and allow quiet into your life.
So happy full moon everybody, I hope you enjoy the energy as much as me!
Lots of love Em xxx
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