I have just had a great weekend on the local Art of Living course. It was absolutely fab to be able to sit and immerse myself in my breath, be led through asana, meditation and relaxation by someone else, meet new like-minded and spiritually interested people, eat vegetarian food with others and only have to journey a mere 4 minutes every day unlike the usual trips I have to take to other places in the UK and indeed the world to gain the same sort of Yogic experience.
Needless to say I was slightly high after finishing the course, although lucky old me finally has a cold - this is actually not a bad thing, colds help the body to let go of stuff it no longer needs, so a healing of sorts, although it has gone to my lungs, which is not good and I can't help wondering if all the Pranayama over the weekend has taken it deeper than it would otherwise have gone. Oh well.
Change seems to have happened very quickly all of sudden. I had felt "stuck" for ages, lacking in any clarity and all of a sudden over the last 3 weeks everything has become clear again and I realise - again - what I want from life, which may sound awfully dramatic, but just means I know where to direct my energy rather than simply all over the place. It is all rather exciting really!
I have been a slacker on the swimming in the sea front and it may well have helped ease my cold now I come to think of it - not so sure about the lungs however! I did do a castor oil liver pack on Saturday night while watching XFactor all warm and cosy in front of the fire. I then had a super hot epsom salt bath to try and shift the toxins...I guess I'll do the same all over again tonight, not only should it help to quicken the healing process, but generally results in a good night's sleep.
I managed to catch sunset last night down at Vazon, it was great, in fact it was a lovely crisp Autumnal night last night, we are building up to a full moon at the weekend and the moon was shining brightly as were the stars, and there was just that lovely Autumnal smell in the air - amazingly, despite the cold, my sense of smell seemed to improve enormously over the weekend. This is one of the things I love about doing these intensive Yoga weekends - your senses become more alive and everything looks clearer and brighter. Got to love it!
So I am off to snuggle up on the sofa and eat some homemade Thai butternut squash soup for dinner, and try and attempt to shift this cold before I teach tomorrow evening!
Sweet dreams. xx
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