Well I am having a fab time.
Admittedly it has been quite an emotionally and mentally draining week what with all the self enquiry on my course, but like with everything, when you make it through to the other side, you feel so much lighter again.
The course was incredible, inspiring and enlightening, lots of letting go, realisations and acceptance of things. Divine timing.
It snowed on Saturday, quite a treat, and quite a relief after the ongoing bright and cold weather, which was putting me on edge, what with its vata nature...it's actually quite funny as the weather reflected the shift in my being, from one of being on that edge on Friday, to one of grounding on Saturday as the snow fell and coated the roads and pavements.
The Yoga classes here have been amazing, a true gift, I just stumbled upon this studio (YYoga) as it is close to my hotel, and managed to get a 2 week pass to as many classes as I like for a mere $33 (what a gift!) so I have been making the most of it and getting to class as much as I can, alternating Anusara with a trio of teachers and Ying Yoga too - a bit of Ying and Yang, one strong and the other relatively passive (but deep though!).
Class this afternoon was truly inspiring, the teacher is a true gem, 7 months pregnant with twins, totally down to earth, totally does not look like the stereotypical Yoga teacher, totally funny,and totally accepting of herself. I loved it and have been on a high ever since. Trouble is this feeling is addictive...and it comes naturally through Yoga, plus its free!!
I have 3 more days here to immerse myself in yoga before moving on to New York and getting stuck into a few studios over there!
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