I finished Level 1 on Sunday and celebrated by attending a 2 hour Yin Yoga class, only that it wasn't Yin, but restorative, which would have been wonderful, if we weren't in a windowless and very warm room, literally mat to mat and no fresh air to breathe and relax. Plus, after spending so much time in silence this last week or so, I found the sound of crystal singing bowls being played at full volume on the stereo a little stressful.
Don't get me wrong, I am all up for the healing (and relaxing) benefits of singing bowls, but I thought my ear drums may burst and my body felt really stressed by the whole experience. Plus I found it really difficult to go inwards as there was just too much external noise stimulation during the whole session. Oh well, just goes to show what happens when you spend so much time in silence - you simply can't cope with too much noise!!
On my day off I went to an Anusara Yoga class, which was super strong in terms of developing one's upper body strength, all good fun, and learning lots from these sessions.
I walked through town to Stanley Park to reconnect with nature and see some green after being stuck downtown all week. It is really rather beautiful in the Park, lots and lots of trees and great views of the mountains, plus an opportunity to smell sea air. It started sleeting however, quite a different experience to the last time I visited in June and was able to sunbathe on the beach!
I am now on day 2 of Level 2 and still really enjoying the training, it rally is eye opening in so many ways, long may it continue to inspire like this!
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