It was the full moon yesterday and what a joy it was to watch it rising before I taught the first evening Yoga class of the Year.
Thank you to all of you who made the class, I believe we had a record number in the room, so much so that we had the windows and door open, unheard of in January usually, what with all this mild weather.
After class I joined Chris and Hayley for a full moon get together, lovely food, great company and the full moon energy, I slept better than I have done all week last night...phew, I hadn't quite appreciated what an "up in the air" start it has been to the new year, everything getting jumbled up and now coming down to land again!
Back at home I stood in the garden under the moon's rays, a wolfing moon last night, and enjoyed the clear skies and the stars shining over head. You can't help but feel the "pick up" of energy and delight in the wonder of nature's creation.
This weather continues to fascinate me. There are primroses growing on the hedgerow on the walk into town from here. And the daffodils are coming out in the front garden, and still there are holly berries on the holly tree. It is all a reminder to go with the flow and adapt to the conditions presented.
Anyhow enough of my waffle, happy practising everyone.
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