Yesterday morning E and I took a truck load down to the tip at Chouet. E goes down regularly for work and sometimes I join him, this time it was to help clear some stuff for my parents and from around here - seems everyone is getting stuck into this decluttering energy!!
The tip blows my mind. Not least the number of seagulls, which is simply unbelievable, but also the thought of what on earth happens when it is filled up - and more to the point, what on earth are we filling it up with?!
I took some photos before I got told off as it is apparently a no-photo zone, understandable, but all the same, the seagulls were blowing my mind and I was ever so slightly incensed to noticing recyclable objects being buried in the earth. I mean seriously, is it so very time consuming and difficult to recycle?
If only we could all take a little more responsibility for our impact on this planet and make an effort to recycle where we can. I know there are arguments that recycling doesn't make that much difference, but I do think it makes us more conscious of our own waste and how we create this depending on what we buy and how it is packaged. I am very aware, for example, of the excessive plastic packaging on food stuffs from one retail outlet, and try and avoid that where I can, and of course recycle where I can too.
I believe it is worth everyone taking a trip to the tip and really considering what goes into the earth. One day that landfill will be filled and then what, we start sending our waste to Jersey, where it gets burnt and showers Guernsey with ash instead. you can't win, all you can do, is your little bit to reduce waste, recycle where you can, and not just food stuffs but furniture and all that stuff that gets thrown out without a thought for where it ends up in the long run.
So aside from tip visiting, we managed a run on the cliffs this morning, quite an uplifting and energising way to start the morning,e specially as we didn't see a sole. I would be lying to say I found it a pleasurable experience, yes it was lovely to be on the cliffs, in the fresh air and see nature unfold around me, but it is tough running on those cliffs and I was more than happy to reach the car at the end!! I stretched out during my practice thereafter and have felt quite awake and uplifted the whole day - there is clearly much benefit to this exercise and fresh air malarkey!
Sadly I have made the decision to cancel the proposed Yoga & Wellbeing retreat on Guernsey scheduled for March. Unfortunately there was simply not enough interest to warrant a retreat, which is a real shame as it had been a dream a few years ago to hold a retreat on Guernsey, but sometimes things are just not meant to be, and I must remember that quote about trying to fix something when it isn't broken, as I do so love the Herm retreats and Herm really is the ideal location. As for dreams, well these change with time and the dreams I have now, are different to the dreams I used to have...its a funny old life...the key is knowing when to let go of a dream to make space for the new one to come in. Thank you to everyone who has supported me with the Guernsey retreat, we live and learn, and if we don't try, we never know!!
So there we go. Here I am ranting about recycling and caring for the planet when I know that I am flying out to New York on Wednesday to visit Hannah and undertake some Yoga training for a week. Just as well E and I keep planting trees, balances it all out somehow!! I bought seeds with Mum on Friday too, so all being well tomorrow we can begin the seed planting season and look forward to an abundant summer of fruits and vegetables ahead!!
Keep warm and keep recycling.
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