Friday, July 11, 2014

Time flying

It has been a while since I last wrote a blog entry, a combination of visitors and sleep deprivation has meant that I have not had time nor indeed energy.

It has been an incredible few weeks though, the weather has just been stunning and with that lots of sea swims and outdoor living, I just love life lived like this.  We have even managed two outdoor yoga classes up at St Germain Nature Reserve, what a joy that place is, so unknown in many respects and yet stunning really, I just love teaching up there and seeing (and indeed hearing) the kestrels and all the other birds with the sea in the distance and all those is too easy to take it all fore granted really.

My best friend visited a few weeks ago now for the class on the grass and then recently her sister stayed the night.  Ewan's brother and sister in law and their children have visited from Australia and now my own brother is here with his girlfriend, Star, and their beautiful daughter Willow are here from Australia too.  I cannot tell you how wonderful it has been to share Elijah with all these people, and I am just so excited to introduce Ross to Elijah and to meet Willow now she is talking and Star, who is also a yoga teacher.  These are very happy times.

As for the sleep deprivation, this is not such a good thing!  Elijah is eight months old tomorrow already - where has that time gone?  He is now eating solids and sitting up and has cut 7 teeth but he still refuses to sleep very well during the night, in fact for the last week or so he has been waking every 2 hours, which has just been a killer.  There is no doubt it catches up on you especially with working and teaching and writing lots of articles, oh and socialising.  I have to constantly remind myself that this too shall pass, as it does seem rather endless at the moment!

And tiredness, the sleep deprived tiredness is not a great feeling, in fact they use it as a form of torture and I can quite see how it could well be a form of torture.  Not helped by the energy of the moon recently by my gosh it is challenging on so many levels as it mas made me feel super sensitive and like I am losing my mind, too many thoughts, like I have been here before many years ago now, it brings up anger and all those old emotions.  Not helped possibly by my revived passion for the Bach floral remedies, which help, of course, but also help to bring things up to the surface so that you can let go, heal and move on...

It will be a relief to make it through to the other side of the full moon tomorrow, a Capricorn one too, still illuminating the shadows, that is for sure.  Still I am sure we will all feel lighter - or I hope to feel lighter - after all the turmoil of this last week, in fact this whole later moon cycle, it has been a difficult one.

Still, as is always the case, when the challenges arrives, all I crave is quiet space on my mat and it is good timing that Star is here and teaching her nurturing restorative class on Sunday, so that coupled with my own practice I can hope to feel a little refreshed by the beginning of next week - especially as Elijah is going on his second sleep over this weekend, bless my lovely parents who are only too happy to help (even if that does mean being woken every two hours themselves).

So rest is warranted and indeed much needed - it is a little like the Oak tree, it needs to take a break before it grows forth again...and I have a ton of ideas buzzing in my head...but there needs to be the grounding first.

As for grounding, funny that the earth quake came here today.  I was only saying to someone at work how the energy felt so heavy this morning...and she agreed...and then an hour or so later, well that heaviness cleared a little!!

So on that note, time to sleep, before a quick look at the marvellous full moon.

Happy full moon.


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